This first part is a recap of what happened with school. I thought I would finally post what happen when I went to talk to the teacher and the Dean. It was hard for me to post, thats why it took me so long to post what else happened.
Ok I guess I'll bicth about school! LOL
Ok, I had to take a class call communication. Well it a suckie class. But anyway, we had to do a cover letter and a resume. I did mine and was helping a friend out at the same time. Well my friend Gina was not feeling well and didn't come to class one day for me to get her rough draft for me to re~type so I made I up so she could still get a grade. Well it was 2:00 in the morning when I was doing this and everything else for school. Well I copyed and paste something thing from my cover letter and put it in hers. I know this was wrong but I was helping a friend out and didn't think twice about it at the time. I turned mine in and she turned hers in. We also had a quiz that day and when she was done Gina left and I was still taking my quiz and the teacher came up to me and start asking me questions. I didn't know what to say. I still don't think it's that big of a deal but I guess she did. So know we, me and Gina have to go down today and talk to the Dean of the school. I'm not sure whats going to happen. But all I know is I can't wait for it to be over.
Ok....Please tell me if what I did was wrong or what you think.
So, me and Gina went to talk to the poeple at school. Things did not go well. I thought we would have to take the class over or have to sit a quater out. No, they kicked us out. They said it was cheating and the school didn't stand for that sort of thing. I know what I did was wrong but I didn't think they would kick us out. At first I thought they would change thier minds and give us another chance but I was only dreaming.
I came really close of not looking for another school but changed my mind. I worked to hard to not finish what I started. So, I'm going to look at another school Wedsenday. The cool thing about this school is that they teach cpr classes. I'm really looking forward to the new school. Will post how everything goes when I check out the new school.