About Me:

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a great friend.

January 19, 2008

Just Because♥♥

Today was a really good day. Even though it was cold out, it was a good day. We went to Golden Corral for lunch and then to the candle store. The store is called Factory Direct Candles, Glassware & Gifts. David said he noticed the candle I have been burning was getting low and he thought I could use some new ones. Wasn't that really sweet of him! Everything I got was less than $19 dollars. I think I got a great deal on everything.

Vanilla (above)
Angel Kisses (above)
Melon (above)
Vanilla Lovers Fudge (above)
Honey Blossom, Caramel Creme, Sweet Honeysuckle (above)

Samantha picked that one

Cinnamon Apple (above)

She also picked this on.

Cinnamon (above)

EverGreen, Sugared Lime, Toffee(above)

David picked those out for himself. The brand is called Simple Path.

He also bought me a coffee from Starbucks. But it's inside Krogers. That I think was a great ideal! Will have to go back again real soon because that is the closes StarBucks to me. :-) See I told you I had a GOOD DAY!

January 12, 2008

Check out my Guestbook!

Not Happy :-(

I'm not happy about my weight. I know what everyone is thinking, If your not happy about it then do something about it. Well I am, about a hour ago I put myself on a diet. I need to cut down on my pop too but that is going to be so hard to do. In on day I could drink a 12 pack all by myself if I really wanted to. I want to scream!!!! But I think I will be ok. I know one person will be there for me no matter what. So, if I think I can't do it I know I can go to him and he will help me. Right now he is the only one who knows how much I weigh and I know he wont tell any one. Ok moving on.

January 2, 2008

Should Write More.........

I should come in here and write more. I think if I do, I will feel better about the day and the people around me. And I might also sleep better at night. I feel like when I go to bed at night there are so many and sometimes stupid things going through my head. So I think if I come in here before I go to bed and write what I'm think I might sleep better.

I think the reason I haven't written in here is because I don't want to hear what someone has to say about what I'm writing. But I thought about and I don't care what other people have to say whether it's good or bad. That may seem mean but that's how I feel right now. I don't like the way I feel sometimes and I need to change that first. So I'm going to try and get in here every night to write how my day went good or bad.
I think I'm going to stop for now and write more later on tonight. Have some cleaning to do. Oh what fun.:-)