About Me:

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a great friend.

April 7, 2008

Warm Day!

Today was a warm day! Was up in the 70's and man was the sun shining! But tomorrow night we are suppose to get thunderstorms for the next three days. Which stinks big time! We might try and go for another walk tomorrow. Would have done it today but my legs hurt and David is tried too from working today. So I hope we go tomorrow.

Some time this month we are going to visit David's Grandma. She lives in Bloomington, In. I miss talking to her. So I really do hope we go. David is going to call his Mom & Dad and see when the next time they are going so we can go at the same time. Then next month we are going to Indianapolis, In to visit his parents and his brother Jason. Jason wants us to see the movie "Iron Man" with him. So we are going up to see that and stay the night. Maybe we can also go swimming. That would be nice!

Closing for now. Have to start dinner.

April 6, 2008

Today at the park.♥

Today was a great day! We went to the park, we blew bubbles and thrown the frisbee around. We even had lunch from Mc Donalds at the park. Here are some picture from the park today.

April 2, 2008