Well to catch you up, if any one cares to know. We are doing good. Ok, we will be doing better when the bankruptcy is done. It should be done by this Friday when the lawyer gets his last payment. Then next month we are going to start looking for a house. WWWHHHOOOOHHHHOOO!!!! Samantha is now in the 6th grade and getting taller every day. It's sad that my baby girl is as tall as me. :-( But that's OK, I know she is healthy and happy. She will be more happy when she's starts a new with out having to wear a uniform. Which will also make me happy. David is doing good as well. Job could be a little better but he tells me at-least he has a job. The economy sucks right now and having a job of any kind is a good thing. As for me.....I'm Ok for now. I am looking forward to a trip in August to Wisconsin. This year I am driving but I am not going alone. Samantha is going with me. Should be a fun trip.
Ok so this was a little bit of everything. Just had to get something out of my head and I had to start somewhere. I hope to keep this updated. Thanks for reading or at~least looking at this.