About Me:

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a great friend.

December 13, 2005

Playing Goldfish

I was playing goldfish with Samantha tonight and she cheats! LOL.......First hand we played she put cards down that didn't have a match. The second hand we played she was asking for cards she didn't have. Then when I did have a card she asked for she would say she didn't have them. So I changed it alittle. We had to ask for the color of the card plus what we want. Well I thought she wouldn't cheat any more...LOL Boy was I wrong. Not only did she keep cheating but she was laughing at me and then she started to fart as well. I had a great night. Just thought I would share how crazy my daughter can be.


Patty said...

LOL How cute....zachary can be a little cheat too if he puts his mind to it.

Karen Bodkin said...

Merry Christmas to you Sally!!!!!!!
Lots of Love,