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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a great friend.

March 14, 2007

♥♥Birthday Girl♥♥

Samantha turned 8 years old today!
Samantha & David
Birthday cake with mis~spelled named
Samantha with her new bike.

We had her birthday party over the week~end. Was a really good day but kroger spelled her name wrong. Her name is Samantha but everyone calls her Sammy and they spelled Sammy wrong. How hard is it to spell Sammy? OH well, she was happy with everything she got that day.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hi! Happy Birthday sweet girl. It was really wrong to spell her name wrong specially coz its such a nice name too.
Wish her loads of luck and happiness in life.
Check out my blog on birthday ecards for some beautiful e-greeting cards and other interesting info.