I can't sleep! It's 3am and there's nothing to do. I have so much on my mind! Have you ever felt alone, even though you know in the back of you mind you know your not? Sometime I feel like I'm alone and I hate feeling like that!!
I have to share this or I'm going to go crazy because I can't stop thinking about it. And it makes me mad and sad when I do! It all start a year ago. We had moved from Indianapolis to Cincinnati. I want to be closer to my family. We (me & David) thought things were going to get better for us. But little did we know, they wouldn't. David told me he needed to go to the doctors because he found a lump on his testicle. I thought it was nothing and so did he. We went to the doctors and come to find out he had testicle cancer. I was so scared and mad at the same time. David had to go threw two surgeries and three rounds of chemo therapy. We found out in October of 2004 and his last round of chemo was May 2005. So far everything is good has go and get blood work done and a chest xray done. He has to get one done in December. It's to make sure nothing came back. Every thing he has to go I get scared that they are going to find something. I guess, that's why I feel so alone somethings. Because I have a hard time talking about what he went threw.
If anyone read this, sorry for being so long! But I had to get it out of my head for a sec. Oh and so your hubby or boyfriend doesn't go threw what my hubby went threw. Maybe they should get checked out . We check ours self so why don't they?
Oh my gosh Sally....sending big hugs! I don't know or can imagine what you are dealing with when it concerns your hubby's health but remember getting it out in words on a paper or blog, is the best thing for you to do!
I know sometimes we feel alone and scared but always know that even though we (meaning us girls at FLF) aren't there physically, we're here emotionally for you. Thank you for sharing what you went through and I'm sending you lots of hugs and prayers that David's health continues to improve and he has no relapses! Sassy xo
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