About Me:

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a great friend.

December 2, 2005

Going To BE Gone For A While

It stinks!! I'm going to lose my internet real soon, that's what STINKS!! Not sure how long it's going to be off, I'm hoping it's not to long. But the way things have been going for us. It might be until after New Year. It's either lose the internet and have a great Christmas or try and keep the internet and barely have a Christmas. Ok, enough of the bad stuff!

Well anyway. Today was a good day. I got a lot of cleaning done. Had a nice lunch with my hubby! My daughter Samantha came home in a good mood. She made a snowman and a Christmas tree in art class.

I forgot what I was going to type so I think I'll come back later. If I can!!


Patty said...

(((HUGS))) Hope its only a short while, but I do understand the necessity of life. Hurry back you will be missed.

SallyD said...

Thanks Patty, Hubby is trying to keep it on. We will see what happens.