About Me:

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a great friend.

January 19, 2016


Hey, can't believe I'm writing in here again. Glad I didn't wait to long to write in here. Not much going on but thought I would write something anyway.

I love making plans with my small family. We are planning on going to the movies more, small road trips and going to the park more with Pepsi (dog). Not just to the movie theater but the drive in too. A lot of superhero movies coming out this year. Two I'm looking forward to seeing is Deadpool and Batman vs Superman. Plus a none superhero movie, Finding Dory. Going to be a great time at the movies!

Another plan we are working on is next year for Christmas. I know you don't want to talk about Christmas already. But we are planning on going away for Christmas. Somewhere warm and lots of beaches near by. We are thinking of doing Christmas in Florida. We haven't been to Florida since Sammy was 3 years old. Now she is 16 but will be 17 when we go. It's going to be more fun! The trip is going to be a really big part of her present but we plan on taking her shopping for new clothes and giving her spending money too. 

The last thing we are planning on as a family. Is visiting family in Cincinnati, Ohio and Indianapolis, Indiana. We plan on going to our niece graduation in  May. Haven't been in Cincinnati since our last family vacation in April. I'm hoping to visit both sides of the family more once we get the car fixed, plus it would be nice if they would come and see us up here. 

That's it for now. :-)

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